Saturday, August 31, 2013

So what's been happening lately...

Bhwahaha. Drudge just made my day by making me laugh out loud, something I haven't done much of lately. Matt Drudge, a gay man is saying good things about Putin. What the fuck is the world coming to???? LOL. Oh yeah, Google has removed ANY links to my blog; I just did a search for it by name on Google and it didn't show up! Bing on the other hand showed it up immediately in the 2nd link. I think I shall not be using Google no more as my primary search engine me thinks. Quite often todsy when i do a search on Google it's telling me they are getting strange traffic from my IP address and would I be so kind as to identify I'm NOT a robot by filling a capture. Time to remove my link to the Google search engine from my useful links. High time indeed. Oh yeah, I'm still alive. I'm writing short stories now now and that's helping me clear my head. Writing is good exercise even if my mind does wander and I cannot concentrate for more than 10 minutes as a time, it works. And I have gotten positive comments on my writing already. And I'm drawing too, and getting nice comments too. So there. No link, sorry.

Friday, August 2, 2013

So.Same, NO worse bullshit, different date.

Oh, man. Things in USA have gotten SO bad and everything is SO effed up, I wanted to write something but had to stop and edit myself in fear I might also have a midnite visit by your friendly F-B-I. Feels exactly how it was back in Bulgaria while growing up, back behind the iron curtain. WTF, indeed, when one is worried what troubles innocent googling can bring then it means it's ALL over for USA man. Forget about "freedom and democracy" baloney. It's the beginning of the end. Not that USA ever was the beacon of "freedom and democracy" as it claimed but now even all the pretense is just gone, over with, finito. Ha. And yet, the most interesting reaction comes from the Americans themselves, who are just bending down and taking it right up their collective assholes without as much as complaint. And I thought they were such revolutionaries, man! Bwa-hahaha.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Funny as hmmmmmm...

So. I wake up Monday morning(04-15-2013), and the Internet is not working. I reboot my modem. The Internet comes back but Firefox is behaving funny. One of the first web sites I usually check is It opens up fine but when I go back half an hour later Firefox cannot display CNN properly. It acts as if it cannot access the web site directly and only reads it from a cache. It is apparent many web sites are having the same problem. When I file-save Firefox gives me error messages that it cannot read the web sites and cannot save the various jl parts(Java script components). Firefox has behaved this way before: when I have used the Internet at Ralphs, where I suspect they have a proxy server set between me and the real Internet. The shit in Boston occurs several hours later. Ok, I get it. The internet behaves the same way all week long. Skip to Friday afternoon(04-19-2013). They catch the 2nd suspect. About 15 minutes later, Firefox begins to behave properly, as it should. Interesting coincidence, isn't it?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Americans have the right to be stoopid. Yes indeed.

Kerry managed to make the Americans look their stupidest when he declared that "American's have the right to be stupid" turning this into yet another "it's freedom of speech issue". As if the Germans don't have the right to be religious too. Or the French. Or the Russians for that matter. Or the Brazilians. Or the Chinese who can also worship as much as they want but they are too smart to believe in the "Christian bullshit so they prefer their "region simple: Buddha and Confucius. As if ONLY "America" has liberties that the rest of the world somehow lacks. What a crock of bullshit. Sure you can have an opinion. I have said it several times before: opinions are not the same as knowledge or facts. Opinions are only as good as the facts that support them It seems in USA anyone can have an opinion but only very very few have facts. No wonder Americans are so dumb. Recently I went to Chinatown to see the parade for the new Lunar year. Not surprisingly, there were the same idiots I see where a lot of people gather, passing out Christian propaganda materials to the passer bys. I asked them why they bother people who have gathered to celebrate the new Lunar year. As usual, the "freedom of speech" was thrown in my face. I politely inquired if the Chinese come to their churches during Christmas celebrations and start passing leaflets about Buddha and Confucius. Well no. SO then why do they feel the burning need to come and bother the Chinese? And how many times was somebody actually saved after reading those leaflets? And why instead of wasting money on those expensive leaflets they don't go and feed the hungry instead?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bad economy, what?

The right wing bullshiters keep on screaming how Mr Change is everything evil under the Sun. According to them, he is a far left Marxist commie secret agent sent to destroy the "American way of life". They keep on citing example after example how horrible the economy has been under Mr Change because after all, what does a commie understand of "free market economy", right? The poor Middle Class™ has been taking right up the behind under him, correct? Yet today surprise surprise even the biggest bullshiter of them all Drudge somehow got confused and posted a link to a story that the stock market just went over 14,000 and had its best day since 2007. Hey Drudge, WTF? So is the economy collapsing or is it having a field day? Which one is it, Drudgeie boy? Ah, what you mean to tell me that it's bad for the average working sheep who is getting sheared with over 4 dollar gas but it's pretty damn good for the rich who are making piles of money off of the poor middle class shmuck? Ok, I got it, thank you.

Monday, January 21, 2013

"Free press" eh?

I been without an Internet connection for a whole 2 months recently because of yet another move. It's been an interesting and very educational experience in more ways than one. I been reduced to go to daily treks to Ralphs and Starbucks and use their Internet to catch up on the stuff I missed. needless to say it's been an eye opening experience. When France attacked and invaded Mali, of course I was fairly interesting in hearing/reading as much as possible about it. Surprise, surprise, the supposedly free USA press decided to instead go with another story, talking non stop about some football asshole who created imaginary girlfriend who he supposedly met on the Internets and got supposedly got duped when it turned out she didn't exist. Wow, that is SUCH a huge and important story, I'm sure, the FOX TV news station had to use 15 minutes of it's airtime to talk about it instead of maybe mentioning the Mali invasion. But no such luck. Worse even CNN and other supposedly free press corporation are totally mum about Mali and the French. The USA and the Western world are always bashing China and how they censor their news. yet they have been quiet on the French invasion of Mali for a week now. I had to go to Alijezzira to find news about the French. So much for the so called "free press" of USA.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fantasy VS Reality

USA has always been exceedingly good and creating fantasy fables about itself, i.e. lying through its teeth about itself. Over the decades it has created hundreds of myths: "freedom and democracy that doesn't exist anyplace else", "land of opportunities, "all men created equal" and so on. These myths have been able to persists over the decades due to the simple fact that people are very happy when somebody lies to them and tells them what they wanna hear. After all, Reality and its ugly truths are much harder to deal with. Take the latest myth that skilfully mixes lies and propaganda: the movie about the Killing of Osama Bin Alladin: Zero Dark Thirty. You know, Im getting seriously tired of repeating the trth over an d over but I guess I have to speak it one more time so hear it goes: Bin Alladin was never officially charged with 9-11. Even FBI's official web site didn't list him as such. Bin Alladin even publicly went on record to say he had nothing to do with 9-11. Bin Alladin used to work for the CIA during the 1980s. Bin Alladin was not heard from since 2001 and nobody knows when he really died. No official photos exits to show he was killed. Why would USA kill him, he would be infinitely more valuable alive than dead.As presented, the official 91-11 story doesnt hold water. Iraq didnt have ANY "weapons of mass distraction" yet USA attacked it anyway. USA has NOT showed ANY evidence Iran has a nuclear program. And so on and so on and so on. I'm tired of repeating myself over. But USA always needs a "bad guy" so presto: a movie is created that shamelessly mixes fact and outright lies and is presented to the USA public. The public, dumb as it is, eats it up. I can imagine future generations watching this piece of pure propaganda and learning its history from there. Amazing bullshit continues non stop.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 and Ann Coultier won't read/watch the news no more!

Isn't that a nice present??? SO how will she know what the so called liberals are up to so she can screech about them? Mebbe she has finally ran out of things to say? Say it isn't so Annie. Wish Rush (Mr Pills) will do the same, but no such luck. Ah well, only idiots will believe he is telling any resemblance to the truth. Mebbe I should do what Annie (I got Adam's apple) does and talk about random shit. letz see...Jean Michel Jarre is saying he will quit France over high taxes. FUCK you, Jean. You haven't made a good record in decades anyway fuckface. Depardiue too. Go fuck yourself, you rich bastard And take that senile bitch Bardo with you too. Taxes are what make a country go around you morons. Take an economics class you fuckers. In other news, Chaves seems to be on his way out. Oh well. He should have taken it easy and not try to do all the work himself. Im sure Americans are secretly snickering and leering, and preparing to take over once he is dead. At least Castro is hanging in there. Im sure he will live at least to see 90. Good for him.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The "fiscal cliff"

So. The much screamed about, much "taken-out-of-context" much "lets-play-our-latest-Pavlovian-games-with-the-dumb-serfs" "fiscal cliff" turned out NOT to be much of a cliff after all. Not even a decline really. Not even(insert your own metaphor here). Whatta surprise eh? I am SO shocked I tell ya. So. Now I wonder what the next scare thing the COM(Corporate Owned media) is preparing to blast our puny brains with so we can't think straight for a minute. Greece? The EU? The always ready stand by latest "terrorist threat"? After all, there is only two possible way to control the serfs: through pleasure or through fear. Since USA can't control its dumb populace through pleasure as much as it used to, the fear is the only thing they got left. It's all simple Psychology 101 really.