Monday, November 16, 2009

Communism: what exactly it is and what exactly it isn't.

Communism as presented by the propaganda filled corporate owned western media
paints a "totalitarian" almost fasist like state of social order where ALL
political, social and economic activity is tightly under the control of a
single government party. No independed thought or individual activity is
allowed. Personal "freedom" is strictly limited and the population is
actively spied upon and monitored. Therefore, communism is bad and evil and
something nobody would want to live under. As usual, this fairy tale is easy
to disprove becauase it is far away from the real truth. And I should know; I
lived in a communist state for the first 18 years of my life. Therefore I can
discuss what communism isn't and what communism really is because of first
hand experience.
I will be the first to admit communism I lived under was far from perfect; in
fact it had many faults: the wrong people were in charge, people who didn't
know what they were doing and they made very wrong decisions; nepotism was
rampant; yes there was a lot of spying and monitoring and not enough material
goods. But that doesnt mean pure communism by priory contains any of the
above mentioned negative attributes associated with it. As a matter of fact
countires labeled as communist can prove communism defined as defined by the
western media is just pure and silly propaganda. Take Singapure for example:
its very well develoed and robusty econiomy proves communism CAN and DO make
their economies work. I can give other examples: Venetsuela, Chile, China,
Vietanm and so on. Therefore just by looking around one can easily and quicly
learn communism CAN work (when done right) and IS a succesful state of social

NOTE: Singapure had to bail out USA's financial ass recently by buying a lot

of USA's Treasurty Bonds. Fairly ironic, isnt it? Of course, only very few
people in USA will know that fact.

Let's begin with pure semantics: communism of course comes from the word
cummune/community i.e. union of people working together for better survival.
Nothing fashistic or "oppresive" about the word. People are in
comunities/unionts ALL voer the palce: marrige is a union of two people, a
chirch is a community of likely minding people, a coutry is a union. Union is
therefore hgood becuase it gives you us humanity a abtter chnace at playing
the survival game. To even claim that a lone wolf has better odds of survival
is plain silly and downright dishonest. To claim individuals fare better on
their own is therefore pure farce and twisting the facts. We live in a human
society that is simply tribal union after all. Ayan Rand was full of shit,
pure and simple when she placed the "individual" over society. Try living in
the forrest on your own and see how far you will get, why dontcha?
Second, there is buncvh of rules governing our behavior on all set of levels.
When you drive a car you ovay a bunch of rules. Otherwise you get lkkilled or
you kill somebody. In a marrige there is rules too, you dont just do whatever
you want. Same as living in a human society. Sets of rules will ALWAYS govern
ne's behavior. Rules are good. and with the ever quckly changing
technologiycal rules and the dumbing of population we need NORE rules, NOT
Fr example were i live the gypoes think just becuase they have been
able to fford to buy home stereos (somethign they havent been able to do 10
yeaRS ago) theyc an now listen these home stereous at full blanst pretty much
ANY time of day and night they desire, regardless of their neibours. Yet the
law doewsnt have a ny laws goberning this behavior. Talking ans asking them
to turn it down is uslesss. they just keep on doing it. Therefore we either
need new sets of laws or need to maybe make the stereos only plat at certain
volume cuz thse people do NOTY casre about anybody but themsleves.
This is what happens when there is NO rules and the individual is placed
above society. I can give the same exact example with cars too as a matter of
fact. Therefore dumb people MUST have rules that modify their behavior. Simple as that.


Gregor said...

'the wrong people were in charge, people who didn't
know what they were doing and they made very wrong decisions'

Just as well America isn't communist... just think what would happen ;-)

petkov said...

to clarify, I was talking about purely economic decisions they were making, not political ones.
America is a corporate fascism where a small clique is making all the decisions; but even if they ARE making wrong economic decisions, they can still afford to do so because the dollar is STILL a petro dollar and China is STILL buying their Treasury Bonds because USA is STILL their biggest market. As Cheney said, deficits don't matter(as long as somebody is willing to finance them).