As usual, the American idiots are missing the point of the bailout entirely(not surprising of course). They are all screaming against it all over the net. In fact the bailout has to happen, no, it MUST happen. Remember, in the last 20~ years USA has stopped being to world's lender and it has become the world's largest debtor nation. It is at the mercy of other countries some of which are not it's friends except economic partners. Yes I'm obviously talking about China of course. Yes, Japan does happen to hold the largest amount of US Treasury bonds but right after them is China. USA literally has to borrow 2.6 billion dollars daily to survive. True fact. If the bailout doesn't happen and the US banking system collapses(as it just might) then China, Japan and all those other countries will stop buying US Treasury bills and thus lending US money. Do you idiots understand what that REALLY means? The 1930's Depression will be a walk in the park in comparison.
No, I am not saying the US system of creditism is correct or good to the average American sheeple but that's all US got right now. If that system collapsed, a total chaos might insure dragging the world's economy down with it. NOBODY not even YOU American idiots would like that.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The US presidential race:
a picture is worth a thousand words:

nothing more need to be said except I wish I had this on a t shirt

nothing more need to be said except I wish I had this on a t shirt
Sunday, September 7, 2008
and the circus continues...
If Palin is NOT giving any interviews, how can Oprah turn her down for an interview?? These people must think we are as dumb as bricks and from our collective behavior they might just be right!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Yet they call it "free market" "capitalism"
The laugh a minute Wall Street Journal is running an article in its online edition about United States Treasury Department's bailing out of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. You can read it at:
And this is from a country which keeps on talking about how people should be self reliant, how nobody should expect a bail out, how their economic system is a "free market" capitalism, etc, etc, the bullshit never stops. Yet they bail out their friends to the tune of million of dollars and prop them up whenever they want to. But but but, isn't this...dare I say it government controlled economy, gasp! communism??
Oh, I'm sure they will give me million and one reason that it isn't, yet the facts speak for themselves.
USA, more communist than the old Soviet Union ever was but only for SOME people. if you are an ordinary average sheeple, you are on your own.
And this is from a country which keeps on talking about how people should be self reliant, how nobody should expect a bail out, how their economic system is a "free market" capitalism, etc, etc, the bullshit never stops. Yet they bail out their friends to the tune of million of dollars and prop them up whenever they want to. But but but, isn't this...dare I say it government controlled economy, gasp! communism??
Oh, I'm sure they will give me million and one reason that it isn't, yet the facts speak for themselves.
USA, more communist than the old Soviet Union ever was but only for SOME people. if you are an ordinary average sheeple, you are on your own.
Reading them for the lulz.
I read quite a few news web sites both fringe and corporate owned daily. Plus I check a few blogs. Shannon theory of information's states that when you know what somebody will say before they say it means they have given you 0 (that's zero as in nada, nothing, nichevo, nande mo nai yo) new information. For example an average Bush/Cheney speech carries 0 information because it's 100% predicable. Several of the blogs and web sites I read also give me 0 information, but I read them mainly for the lulz. is oen such web site. I keep on going back to it because Rivero of keeps on linking to it whenever it gets updated. I guess Rivero feels you ought to read it. But I can tell you do NOT bother. Really. The guy who runs got nothing to say. After rerading him for 2 years now I have yet to learn a single new fact from him. It's 100% totally predicable. His poetic way of talking about the evil men who run the world is good but he never says anything of substance. So what if he talks about how evil Bush and Cheney are? So what if he talks about human nature and the need to be He sounds like a hippy: Love will save the world, here is a flower, solder." he has yet to offer anything or any constructive way of dealing with the world situation we are in. Just some belly button gazing. At least Rivero from whatreallyhappened offers me some news links I won't be able to find anyplace else. is another web site I read strictly for the lulz. There is one guy there by the pen name of Casper who keeps on writing increasingly bizzare news updates about some trigger packs that he is expecting to be delivered from god know where for a while now. They must be some hell of important packets cuz so far he has everyone from M5, M6, the British Queen, Bush Senior, Clinton, the Supreme court judges, the mafia, Trump, Gates and others trying to stop those packets from being delivered. For a while I was trying to figure out what those packets were; I ever wrote several emails asking them to please explains those mysterious packates but got no response from them. As far as I can figure it out they got something to do with the new law that's supposed to make the US banks compliant called the BASEL-II. Or maybe NOT. Casper's world read like a bad bad spy novel, where plot twists appear out of no where and he just throws famous people's names for the effect. Reading him strickly for the lulz. is oen such web site. I keep on going back to it because Rivero of keeps on linking to it whenever it gets updated. I guess Rivero feels you ought to read it. But I can tell you do NOT bother. Really. The guy who runs got nothing to say. After rerading him for 2 years now I have yet to learn a single new fact from him. It's 100% totally predicable. His poetic way of talking about the evil men who run the world is good but he never says anything of substance. So what if he talks about how evil Bush and Cheney are? So what if he talks about human nature and the need to be He sounds like a hippy: Love will save the world, here is a flower, solder." he has yet to offer anything or any constructive way of dealing with the world situation we are in. Just some belly button gazing. At least Rivero from whatreallyhappened offers me some news links I won't be able to find anyplace else. is another web site I read strictly for the lulz. There is one guy there by the pen name of Casper who keeps on writing increasingly bizzare news updates about some trigger packs that he is expecting to be delivered from god know where for a while now. They must be some hell of important packets cuz so far he has everyone from M5, M6, the British Queen, Bush Senior, Clinton, the Supreme court judges, the mafia, Trump, Gates and others trying to stop those packets from being delivered. For a while I was trying to figure out what those packets were; I ever wrote several emails asking them to please explains those mysterious packates but got no response from them. As far as I can figure it out they got something to do with the new law that's supposed to make the US banks compliant called the BASEL-II. Or maybe NOT. Casper's world read like a bad bad spy novel, where plot twists appear out of no where and he just throws famous people's names for the effect. Reading him strickly for the lulz.
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