Sunday, July 18, 2010

What's in it for them?

Those shameless Global warming deniers are at it again. Yes, I'm looking at YOU Rivero. He would post a link to ANY article about unusually cold weather but he never posts links to articles about the unusually hot weather we been having all over Earth from Los Angeles (link is Heat wave drives Southern Californians to the coast) to Russia, Germany, Italy, Finland and all the other places. Ok I get it, you want to refuse the evidence in front of you because you believe its a trick to raise your taxes. SO they want to raise your taxes doesnt make the record hot temperatures they are having in Russia go away. Come on, why won't you stop it and look at the truth in the eye? What's in it for you to keep on refusing?

I have actually checked my own blog and I have been blogging about heat waves since March this year with links to prove it:

New York City Temperature May Reach 89 on Saturday, Breaking 2001 Record

Yeah it's the fault of that same hot spot under Greenland, I'm sure!

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